Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Wooden Sky- play Kitchen Sessions

 So with 2011 now in our rear view mirror it's time to look ahead to what 2012 has to offer. One of the albums I'm most looking forward to is the forthcoming disc, Every Child a Daughter, Every Moon a Sun from Toronto band, The Wooden Sky. Their new disc is due out February 28 on Black Box Recordings and so far no new music has been unveiled by the band. But to hold us over we do have these lovely live performances that the band gave to the good people over at the site, Kitchen Sessions while on a recent Fall tour stop. The band played, one of my favorites, "North Dakota" and the more recent song, "Take Me Out" off of their latest City of Light EP.   

Kitchen Sessions Presents: The Wooden Sky - North Dakota from Kitchen Sessions on Vimeo.

Kitchen Sessions Presents: The Wooden Sky - Take Me Out from Kitchen Sessions on Vimeo.

The Wooden Sky on Facebook

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