This weeks 'Song of the Week' comes from the brilliant new Damien Jurado LP,
Maraqopa that hit stores yesterday. Although this is Jurado's 10th LP, I'm inclined to say that what I've heard so far has been some of his finest to date. One track in particular that I can't get off my speakers from the new disc is "Working Titles." One of the things that makes it so special to me is that it sounds like nothing that Jurado has ever done before, he's in completely new territory and it sounds like he's been mastering it for years. The lyrics, the incredible harmonies, the arrangement, the whole vibe of the song, everything about it just floors me. I call it the Song of The Week but I could easily call it my Song of the Year so far.
Watch Damien playing the song live at a recent show at the Neptune Theater in his hometown, joined by an all-star Seattle line-up that includes, Jon and Josiah from The Head and The Heart,
Galen from Pickwick, Bryan John Appleby and Jessica Dobson from Deep Sea
Diver and The Shins.
Damien Jurado- "Working Titles"
You could mess up my life in a poem
Have me divorced by the time of the chorus
Theres no need to change any sentence
When you always decide where I go next
Many nights you would hide from the audience
When they were not in tune with your progress
In the end you are like the journalist
Who turns what you sing into business
You could use to be more like a hero
A darker shade of damage distortion
Wearing death like a cape or a costume
Cut your ties and leave town when you want to
Killing time till I pass through the chamber
Or the room where you keep my replacement
So fed up still you're starving on paper
You are no him, but he's you, only better
Leave me an exit to damage
I could use a ledge to jump off of
I wasn't lying when I said this was over
I have questions that lead to more questions
Running time that will cut off my fingers
You wrote about me on every new record
I'll show up in the title of your song
I only hope somebody requests it
Whats it like for you in Washington?
I've only seen photos of Washington
I'll never know
Leave me Manhattan
I want the evergreens
Write me a song
I can sing in my Sleep
As sure as the rain
that will fall where you stand
I want you and the skyline
These are my demands
What's it like for you in Washington?
I've only seen photos of Washington
I'll never know