Tuesday, March 24, 2009

La Blogotheque strikes again: watch Sigur Ros performing "Vid Spilum Endalaust"

French director and LaBlogotheque creator Vincent Moon has been showing up all over the place lately. Having produced documentaries for Arcade Fire and The National, and most recently worked on The Dark Was The Night charity compilation shooting videos with Yeasayer, Dirty Projectors, and again The National. But somewhere in his busy schedume Moon found time to set up an intimate performance with Iceland's own, Sigur Ros, at a restaurant in Paris,France. The band gives a great stripped back rendition of one of their new albums finer tracks, "Vid Spilum Endalaust." Check it all out below.

Sigur Ros - Við spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Thanks to BTB friend Caroline Hahm for the tip.

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