20. Times New Viking- Born Again Revisited
"No Time, No Hope"
19. We Were Promised Jetpacks- These Four Walls
"Quiet Little Voices"
18. White Rabbits- Percussion Gun
"Percussion Gun"
17. Loney Dear- Dear John
"Airport Surroundings"
16. The Bony King of Nowhere- Alas My Love
"Alas My Love"
15. Sharon Van Etten- Because I Was In Love
"For You"
14. Langhorne Slim- Be Set Free
"I Love You But Goodbye"
13. Old Canes- Feral Harmonic
"Little Bird Courage"
12. Dinosaur Jr.- Farm
"Over It"
11. Noah & the Whale- First Days of Spring
"Blue Skies"

"Foreign Thoughts"

"So Far Around the Bend"- The National

A dark and bone chilling solo debut for the Knife's, Karin Dreijer Andersson. Full of great tracks, but be sure to watch the accompanying videos for an extra creep factor.
"When I Grow Up"


"When The Devils Loose"

"Radio Kalininbrad"

"The Wilderness"

"Drowning Men"

Born out of the RAA"s singer/songwriter Nils Edenloff's exodus from Edmonton, Alberta to Toronto in 2003 that not only inspired the band's name but led to the fruit of this passionate and energetic disc. For the percussion work on the album alone it's worthy of a top nod.
"Frank, AB"

"Something Hiding For Us In the Night"