Monday, April 21, 2008

A 'new wave' of Joy Division flicks

For anyone that's into the post punk/new wave movement that is enjoying a comeback these days you might want to take a look at the documentary Joy Division which is hitting stores on June 17th. The film captures the story of the band who were one of the originators of the post punk movement in the late 70's. The documentary on the group is directed by Grant Gee, who has previously directed (Radiohead’s Meeting People Is Easy) and was co-written by journalist/writer Jon Savage. The film features the participation of all the surviving band members (who now make up New Order), and takes viewers through never-before-seen live performances, personal photos, period films and newly discovered audiotapes of the band. Also participating in the project was Belgian journalist Annik Honoré, who speaks for the the first time about her relationship with lead singer Ian Curtis before he committed suicide back in 1980.

In addition to the documentary being released in June, the 2007 Ian Curtis bio pic Control, is being put out on June 3rd. Control, which was met with some criticism from the remaining members of the band, was the film from director Anton Corbijn that used the Deborah Curtis biography Touching From a Distance as a rough guide.

take a look at a preview of the Documentary Joy Division.

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